Psoriasis is a complex disease of the nature: what can be cured?

Psoriasis is a pathology, despite the fact that she is not dangerous to life. The psoriasis is called the system of a chronic disease that affects the skin and nails. That causes the redness, itching, and the occurrence of exfoliation of the platelets, which manifests itself in any age and of difficult treatment. Why is psoriasis, what complications of the threat and, most importantly, how to treat it?


What we know about the psoriasis and its treatment

Psoriasis is one of the most studied, and one of the most mysterious of diseases. Experts already many decades trying to figure out the causes of their emergence, however, until the science has no clear answer to the question of why people suffer from psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a non-communicable disease, because the cause is not bacteria or fungi, and the reaction of your own immune system of the body. When psoriasis of the skin cells start to share with enormous speed — if in the standard life cycle of the cell continues around 30 days, when the psoriasis — from 3 to 5.

The main symptoms of psoriasis: redness, flaking, the appearance of the pit of the plots, the so-called plaques, itching. In some cases, they produce pustules, or small eruption. Sometimes the psoriasis almost does not manifest itself, and sometimes extends nearly no apparent reason. Often psoriasis appears in the folds of the hands and of the feet, along the line of hair growth, as well as in places where the clothing is lying down too tight, or damaged; although inflammation can occur in other places.


Psoriasis is very common disease that affects around 3% of the total population of the globe.

There are several forms of psoriasis. The more common, vulgar, or patches, is diagnosed 80% of the patients of psoriasis. Guttate (small rash), pustular (pustules), ladonno-plantar and exudative (weeping rash) are much less common.

The majority of the patients, for the first time, detected the signs of psoriasis in the age of 15-25 years of age. Often, the impetus for their emergence (and, subsequently, to the exacerbation) serve emotional upheavals. The scientists link this phenomenon with the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Psoriasis is considered a chronic disease, that is to say, the cure is not possible. However, modern medicine knows how to reduce their expressions to a minimum and reduce the frequency of relapse.


Unfortunately, psoriasis can be transmitted by inheritance. In families where one parent is ill with psoriasis, the probability of the birth of a child with the same disease is 25%. If both parents are familiar with this disease, not heard, the risk of developing psoriasis in children increases up to 60%.

How do you treat psoriasis: the modern approaches to therapy

The scheme of treatment of psoriasis depends on the severity of the disease. In mild cases (if it affected less than 3% of the body surface area), medicines are prescribed for external use — ointments and creams. Also recommend the review of lifestyle and, in particular, the diet. In more complex cases, prescribed physical therapy. Orally administered medications, including those that possess a certain toxicity, as well as hormonal extreme measures, which are used only if other methods of treatment of the psoriasis does not help.

effective methods

Effective methods and methods of conservative treatment of psoriasis

There are several areas of the fight against the psoriasis, and for treatment to be successful, it is best to use an integrated approach.

The drug therapy

To fight psoriasis "from the inside" are often prescribed vitamin A derivatives (retinoids), as well as drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system. To the outside of the therapy of manifestations of psoriasis, use medicated ointments and creams, remove the inflammation and the itching, contribute to the exfoliation of dead skin cells and help to protect the epidermis damaged by fungi and bacteria. This is important, because the course of the disease when psoriasis is often complicated by the accession of secondary infection, which reduces the effectiveness of the total therapy and slows down the recovery process of the skin.

In more difficult cases, often recurrent psoriasis, it is prescribed local hormone of the tool (ointments and creams), the so-called TGKS (topical corticosteroids). With them should be taken with caution — TGKS have a number of side effects, and contraindications. When applied on their own initiative and not by the scheme of rigorous, and the recommendation of a doctor, it can aggravate the course of the disease. TGKS, as a general rule, we do not recommend the use of more than 5 days and apply over large areas of the skin, as well as in sensitive areas (face, neck, skin folds), as these media can exercise an action of the system in the body, cause the withdrawal syndrome, and lead to a thinning of the walls of the skin and the loss of their protection and, therefore, the risk of recurrence of the recurrence.

Doctors often complain of the disease might be handled faster and easier, if patients are not engaged in self-medication with the help of these powerful medicines, as for curing psoriasis after that the indiscriminate use of the media, much more difficult.

Science long ago has taken a great step forward in the search of effective solutions, but insurance funds for the treatment of skin with psoriasis and other diseases. To them, for example, it is possible to carry the medicines on the basis of this active ingredient, as the active zinc (pyrithione zinc). Zinc is organic and natural, medicine to the skin — because its concentration in the healthy skin of the person is approximately 20% of the total content in the body, while the deficit of this precious metal accompanied by a variety of skin lesions and the impairment of the healing of the wounds.

Medicines active of zinc, unlike the tools with the oxide of zinc, have a range of specific features (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal), to help relieve itching in the skin, contributing to the preparation of ceramides (lipids), which leads to the recovery of their barrier function. Unlike a cream with zinc oxide cream, zinc pyrithione does not dry the skin. In addition, activated called apoptosis (natural programmed death) pathologically modified cells of the skin and the cells of the inflammation, which removes the excess of the reproduction of the epithelium, reducing flaking and education psoriatic platelets.

Studies have shown that zinc is comparable with that of TGKS efficiency and a good safety profile, since it is practically not absorbed with the surface of the skin, is not irritating and hurts the action.

Any medication or you have been assigned, remember that, pointing to the prescription, the doctor always takes into account the relationship of the potential benefits and harms of the use of the drug, taking into account your sex traits, history, etc, so that they do not self -: cure for one, you can mutilate the other. In the case of psoriasis this referred in the first place to the use of the funds. Indiscriminate application of ointments and creams with TGKS may cause the effect of "vicious circle" — the more time you will have to make use of them, the more pisa of the sharpening.

Not to risk, when the first manifestation of the symptoms of psoriasis it is worth starting the treatment insurance, not the media, be sure to consult a doctor. And when chronic and recurrent during the use of non-hormonal medicines with medicinal properties immediately after removal of the exacerbation (after the application of TGKS) can prolong the periods of remission and help the skin to fully recover.


Physiotherapy methods of treatment of psoriasis also help to eliminate the manifestations of this disease. As is known, the pathology is afraid of the sun, therefore, in the treatment of psoriasis is widely used phototherapy irradiation of ultraviolet light. Course of treatment of psoriasis may also include the laser therapy, ultrasound, impact, magnetic therapy.

The power

The patient of psoriasis is very important to maintain a proper diet. It excludes all the foods that can cause allergies, as well as the heavy food for the stomach and the liver. The diet should contain a large doses of vitamins (especially vitamin A) and fiber. Should you stop drinking alcohol, meats, animal fats and trans-fats, eggs, coffee and soda water, a muffin.


As has already been said, when the stress and shocks in the psoriasis may worsen. At the same time, for many people, especially for young women, the psoriasis in itself is a source of experiences and alleviate the low self-esteem. The aim of the therapy in the psoriasis — teaching people to manage their emotions and not allow the nerve of the surge. In addition, group therapy can offer psychological support and to increase your self-esteem.


When the plasmapheresis the doctor takes the patient portion of the blood, separates the plasma of the white blood cells and returns with the help of the injection of new. Along with the plasma are shown, toxins, and autoantibodies.

By the way

Psoriasis — is not a reason for low self-esteem. Many of the famous people of whole life struggling with this disease, that does not stop them from being idols to millions of people and the icons of style. The psoriasis suffer from model kara Delevingne and kim Kardashian, actress cameron diaz, the singer Britney Spears.

Alternative approaches

There are alternatives, popular and exotic, the methods of treatment of psoriasis. The first, for example, refers to the application of oil of milk thistle in the damaged areas, the cooking of altea, valerian, sage and chamomile. The exotic can be attributed to the treatment of the tropical fish of the species Garra rufa — pyrithione to the skin in psoriatic plaques, without damaging the healthy skin. This original service offered in thailand, and in recent years, this procedure has appeared in some Russian spa.

Popular methods are safe, however, this is not the case — allergic to the herb may aggravate the condition of the skin, and the coating of the plates of the ointments of dubious origin, and the realization of exotic procedures in unsanitary conditions that lead to the onset of inflammation and of the accession of secondary infection.

How to increase the effectiveness of the therapy

How to increase the effectiveness of the therapy

Correctly picked up therapy will give a positive effect. To speed up the process of recovery will allow the enforcement of some rules:

  • Try not to get nervous. Skin — indicator of state of your nervous system. Today, there are many opportunities to cope with stress without drugs: the visit to the workshops of painting, modelling and decoupage, sports activities and spa treatments.
  • Time heals infectious diseases, do not allow them to cool and, in general, manage your health — "entrenched" in the body of the infections that cause the repetition of relapse.
  • Don't forget spa-spa treatment. The mineral water and the dirt of the many spas really help to improve the state of psoriasis. Such resorts all over the world and much — the treatment of psoriasis can happen in the Dead sea, in israel, in slovenia (portoroz), in italy (abano terme), in bulgaria (Kyustendil).
  • Do not use during bath time hard sponges and brushes, as well as the firm of soap you need soft sponge and gel with neutral ph. After bath or shower to apply the cream that helps to retain the moisture of the skin, for example, children.
  • Forget the synthetic and choose comfortable, loose clothing of natural soft tissue, cotton, silk and others.

Often it is said that psoriasis is not a disease, but a consequence of life-style. The proportion of truth in this statement is. If you were diagnosed with psoriasis", there is that review seriously their habits and strictly follow the rules. The implementation of the recommendations and the time of the start of the treatment can achieve the eternal remission many people who suffer from psoriasis, do not really suffer, since the disease does not manifest itself. But the psoriasis does not tolerate frivolity — if it is not treated or treated independently, without the involvement of a doctor, the sharpening will soon become almost monthly, and regain a beautiful skin and well-being will be very difficult.